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365Learn is committed to advance learning by giving instructors all necessary tools for effective teaching through smart classroom technology. Here are five reasons why you should choose 365Learn.

1. Classroom ready

365Learn is 100 percent classroom ready since the software is equipped with smart classroom technology. It reimagines the way teachers teach and interact with their learners. It eliminates the use of a projector and uses no eraser and multiple colors of marker are available. The smart classroom from 365Learn is robust and practical with some amazing features such as smart-notes and smart picture technology. With a vast number of features the smart classroom redefines the way students learn in the classroom.

Smart classroom from 365Learn

2. Mobile ready

Technology is changing the landscaping of learning in education, mainly with the mobile evolution. Mobile learning is becoming more popular due to its convenience and flexibility. Majority of learners turn to mobile for most of their learning needs. 365Learn engineers knew the importance of mobile learning from the beginning. Making 365Learn mobile ready was not an option but a must. One of the most unique futures of the 365Learn mobile application is 365-chat. It helps facilitate communication among students to continue outside the classroom and promote learning to take place between students. The app is useful in so many ways such as going to class, checking and doing homework, discussion, quiz, test and requesting office hours to speak to your professor.

365Learn mobile interface

3. User friendly

The creators of 365Learn wanted to create software with the following features: easy to use, beautiful and yet powerful, robust to handle any task. From the beginning, user-friendly was implemented into the infrastructure of the software. The user interface was designed with an open and yet elegant view. The user interface was built with one concept in mind: everything must be exposed to the user. Students and teachers alike no longer need to look for features within the LMS. Due to its easy-to-use interface 365Learn can be used at any grade level from first graders to university level.

4. Test security

Test security is essential to school simply because it is the best way to keep their academic integrity in check. 365Learn is the first learning management system that equipped a state-of-the-art test security system without a third part. The system gives teachers the power to turn on and off the application, and in addition, teachers can also add a timer for the test security to activate. At 365Learn we understand how destructive cheating can be in education, and we are doing everything in our power to keep your exam safe.

5. Office hours

We are proud to be the first learning management system that introduces teacher office hours without the aid of a third party. The application allowed teachers to set up their office hours at the beginning of the term. Students can view their teacher schedule for office hours and able to book an appointment to speak with their professor online via 365Learn conference room or a physical office. Teacher no longer need to place their office hours outside their office’s door for students to see and wait for them. Students are now having the freedom to book appointment at their convenience no more waiting outside the teacher office’s door, waiting for the next students to come out is a thing in past.

 Teacher office hours

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